
スーパー経理部長が実践する50の習慣 作者: 前田康二郎 出版社/メーカー: 日本経済新聞出版社 発売日: 2014/11/20 メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー) この商品を含むブログを見る ・現場社員に「決まりだから」だけで押し通すのはダメ経理 「なぜ」必要なの…


夢はボトルの中に――「世界一正直な紅茶」のスタートアップ物語 作者: セス・ゴールドマン,バリー・ネイルバフ,関美和 出版社/メーカー: 英治出版 発売日: 2015/08/22 メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー) この商品を含むブログを見る 面白くて一日で一気に読ん…


先日スクーの授業でおすすめされていたので読んでみる。*1 不思議の国のグプタ 作者: ヒロ前田,清涼院流水 出版社/メーカー: アルク 発売日: 2013/05/24 メディア: Kindle版 この商品を含むブログを見る TOEICあるあるをつなぎ合わせたらこうなった、という…

981 Delicious rossian food

Borushichi was served us for dinner today. My wife prepared. Thanks! How delicious!! Awesome!!


KPIは「Key Performance Indicators」の略だ。 今調べるまで知らなかった。。。 頭の筋トレに「じゃがいもの売り上げのKPI」は何になるのか考えてみる。 今、全く新しいじゃがいもが自分の手に入ったとする。 最もシンプルに売り上げを表すと 売上=個数×単…


国税庁HPによれば 通常、ホームページは企業や新製品のPRのために制作されるものであり、その内容は頻繁に更新されるため、開設の際の制作費用の支出の効果が1年以上には及ばないと考えられますので、ホームページの制作費用は、原則として、その支出時の損…

What is "Leadership"

4月から後輩が加入した。 加入後半年ほど経つが、まだあまりパフォーマンスを出せていない。 実務面は当然教えていくとして、マインド面がしなびたもやしのごとく しおれている。 彼の心に火をつけて、チームとしても楽しく仕事ができるよう リーダーシップ…

982 found a good present!

Next Saturday is White Day. So I have been searching present for so long. I finally found a good gift! I'm totally looking forward to make her smile by the gift! Awesome!!

983 Spring has come!

I found spring when I have a moring walk. I found rape blossoms! It's small spring but it's feel the spring a lot to me!! Awesome!!

984 Thank you for good advice!

I asked for the advice to a more experienced employees. He told me his story of his career. It was very suggestive. Change before you have to. Awesome!!

985 Good rainy day!

Unfortunately, it rained all day. But I calm down on a rainy day. So I read a lot at home today. Awesome!!

986 No overtime week!

It's "no overtime week" this week, and I will leave for home by 6 p.m. I can have a good time for myself and my family! I've got a bit of breathing room thanks to that! Awesome!!

987 tiny tweaks → BIG CHANGES

tiny tweaks can lead to big changes!! AWESOME!!

988 a delicious cake!

I ate delicious cake today! It include carotto! very healthy !! Awesome!!

989 have a good advice

I get a good advice to improve english skill. Awesome!!

990 learning good history of company

I could go to a convivial party this week. I heard about one company's history. It's very interesting and motivate me!! Awesome!!

991 I am happy to have a good time.

Today, I went to a lecture about new business. It's very exiciting!! Awesome!!

992 I learned a new culture in Oosaka!

January 10 is a one of special day for Oosaka's business people. It's "tooka ebisu". That day, business people go to shrine for prayer. They usually pray a success of business and life. I haven't know this culture but I think this is very …

993 I bought new clothes

I bought new clothes! And they were 50% discounts! Awesome!!

994 I found a good web site for studying english.

Now I study English. So I seached web sites that could give me a good lessons. As a result, I found NHK radio English lecture!! That is nice for learning!! Awesome!!

995 refreshing morning

I spent refreshing morning! Such a morning will remember of that poetry. Pippa's Song Robert Brouwning The year's at the spring. And day's at the morning. Morning's at seven. The hill-side's dew-pearled; The lark's on the wing; The snail's…

996 laughed at jokes

We all were greatly amused at my jokes. I cannot resist a joke! Awesome!!

997 Communication after a long absence

Today, I communicate with an acquaintance after a long time. He noticed and praised my works! Awesome!!

998 my colleague got married.

I received a very nice news!! Today I heard that my colleague got married! Congratulations!! Awesome!!

999  go to my office in a leisurely way

When i went to the office, i was able to sit down in the train! I can make a good start:) Awesome!!

1000 A lost ting was found!

Yesterday, I bought a tool of meking cake. But i have dropped it somewhere... So, today i call to the shop. Then they found it and kept it. Therefore I can eat a delicious cake! Awesome!!